hello everyone..
How are things?
I hope everything is ok.... day i think i want to try write poem...
but what i want to write??
oh week we have exam right?
this monday-22 june 2009..
so i want to write 1 poem about....
" DoN't GiVe uP "
LiFe Is nOt sMoOtH-sAiLiNg
wIth bEllS aLwAyS rInGiNg
It hAs iTs uPs aNd DoWns
aND iTs sMiLeS aNd fRoWnS
NoT aLL dAys ArE sUuNy aNd bRigHt
FeW tHinGs aRe aChIeVed OvErNigHt
To aTtAiN wHaT iS gOoD AnD rigHt
yOu NeEd tO sTRugGle wItH yOuR mIgHt
wHen tHinGs tUrN oUt WroNg
dOn'T tHinK aLL iS GonE
wHeN ThiNgS bEcOme rOugh
iT's TimE yOu tUrn tOugh
tHerE iS nO sUcCeSs wItHuOt fAilurE
hArdsHiP aNd pAiN yOu hAVe tO eNduRE
WheN yOu FaLL oR gEt hIt
dO nOt giVe uP oR qUit.

*** So to all my friends.. don't give up if you fail have chance to success... so do the best in your life...the most important DON"T GIVE UP... good luck 4 your exam foundation...chaiyok2 (n_n) ***
wIth bEllS aLwAyS rInGiNg
It hAs iTs uPs aNd DoWns
aND iTs sMiLeS aNd fRoWnS
NoT aLL dAys ArE sUuNy aNd bRigHt
FeW tHinGs aRe aChIeVed OvErNigHt
To aTtAiN wHaT iS gOoD AnD rigHt
yOu NeEd tO sTRugGle wItH yOuR mIgHt
wHen tHinGs tUrN oUt WroNg
dOn'T tHinK aLL iS GonE
wHeN ThiNgS bEcOme rOugh
iT's TimE yOu tUrn tOugh
tHerE iS nO sUcCeSs wItHuOt fAilurE
hArdsHiP aNd pAiN yOu hAVe tO eNduRE
WheN yOu FaLL oR gEt hIt
dO nOt giVe uP oR qUit.

*** So to all my friends.. don't give up if you fail have chance to success... so do the best in your life...the most important DON"T GIVE UP... good luck 4 your exam foundation...chaiyok2 (n_n) ***
hi my lovely nisa...
how are you today?i hope you are always you remember me? sis elly..haha
yes!i agree with you support,don't give up!we must always try our best althougt it's difficult.right?
for you, don't be give up anything you do in your life, remember !don't thinking you are alone anywhere,but we have Allah together,right?do give up,ok.
from sis elly.
hye sis elly..
how do you do?
ooopss sorry...
i forget to give your pandrave..
thanks a lot..
your are right...
we must always try our best..
i hope sis elly always be happy..
i'm off...
love sis elly..
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