today is saturday...i have a really long's because i sleep late last night around 5 a.m....until now i still feel sleepy even time now 1.31 p.m.....i'm hungry...i want to anybody can buy me some food...hahaha...just a joke...i'm still not having my you know what my friends???...i'm still can't forget our drama yesterday...i'm really happy...not just our drama but our foundation group...first time i enter that class i'm very this foundation class or islamic learning subject... it's because majority in the class are from fpi student...and have a such funny lecturebut i really have fun with you all....thanks a had give me a very2 deep memory in my heart...huuhuh..ok that all for right post will be


hi my dad..
haha... I know you are very tired...
Actually thanks for your cry face... but is not real.....
is very difficult right?
enjoy yourself bye
hi uncle bob..
how do you do..
wah so long time you sleep..that why i agree when many gurl said that boys like sleep..right?? my brother also like sleep..same like your attitude..hihi..:)
ooppss! sory i'm forgot to wishes you congratulation with good performance funny when you cry..hihi..but its ok..nice uncle bob..
ok gud luck for your exam this monday..
i'm off..
hye uncle bob....
good morning... hehehe
"no problem darling"... the tree said.. huhu
actually i want to wish you congratulation..
because you give the best performance...
ok.. i'm off...
hye uncle bob...
what do you do??
are you still sleep now??
oh my god..
so long...
just kidding...
and congratulation to you..
you performance is good and funny..
can you cry again uncle bob??
nice meet you uncle bob...
ok.. i'm off
i have something to do..
see you later..
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