madam halizah and madam Roslina
and also
to all my colleagues
how are things?
what are you doing now?
doing preparation for the examination?
clean up your thing?
find a means for posting in the blog?
owh...don't grumble..
just do it sincerely..
Allah knows what we doing...
although it's a very sample things...
maybe it's a small deeds..
still remember the song SMALL DEEDS?
we had singing along to it with Madam Halizah
Sem 3--2008/2009
this sem i took 7 credit/hour = 2 subjects
it is Foundation English and Forms of Writing (u2 sbject)
it must be a difficult and miserable...
i had to attend this classes every Monday until Thursday...
every Monday and tuesday at 8.00 a.m i've the u2's class
but the class started at 8.30 a.m..
and every Wednesday and Thursday
i had a FE class..
and i met all of you there..
and from the beginning we know each others
one of our activities that i very enjoy is drama...
it must have a reason.
what is it?
one of them is..
we can interact each other
give an idea and opinion..
i learned something from it..
it make me feel confident to share my opinion with others...
just give and voice the idea..
even it will accept or not..
we got the highest marks with flying colors..
from all of our sacrifice....
do the practise for a whole days and nights..
i am sorry
to all of you..
for something that i made wrong..
made a wound in your heart
that something that i did not realize
and i want to thanks to our beloved madams..
madam Halizah and madam Roslina..
give us a lot of advise and support us
especially in through a life as student
and all my friends
you make my life meaningful...
i hope that after this we can still communicate each others..
and i have something to give you..
even it quite simple...
just for memories it...
sWeeT mEmOriEs...

> i feel very touched...
> i wish all of us
> i wish all of us
in final exam..
see you at Dewan Gemilang...
*1.00 a.m.
*21st June 2009
see you at Dewan Gemilang...
*1.00 a.m.
*21st June 2009
hai atie...
how do u do?....
this pic very nice.....
hai sis rini...
how do you do....
thanks for your appreciate...
u can save the picture...
waaa....brilliant fatin....good job...later...could you do something similar like this for me....heheh...
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