this is why I learn english. Anyway,this video is very funny, right??
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Dont be like this!!!
Posted by nAzri at 8:25 AM 0 comments
easiest 5 ways to avoid colds and flu
hello my class.. how are things? today im feel bored. so, i want to share something with all of us.
Posted by nAzri at 1:14 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
my feeling now...
actually i don't know what i want to share with you all on this post.. why?? because my feelings,my moods is not in me right now... but still i want to share with all of you about a story that i will never forget until the day i die...maybe...before that, let me introduce about my self first because not know then not love right? name is Siti Zafirah bt Khalid and just call me ierra..I'm a psychology student. I come from Selangor and now i stay at Kolej Ungku i want to tell u one know what in UKM I've been involved in student's society called Urusetia Pembangunan Sumber Manusia (UPSM).This society so interesting you know. why?? haha....because i got a lot of sweet memories. here i want to share with you all about my experience...mountain climbing...this is such a memorable experience that i will never forget in UPSM. The mountain is quite famous..situated in Ulu Bendul, Negeri Sembilan. Name of the mountain is Angsi Mountain. This is my first experience on mountain unforgettable..
Posted by zafiera at 12:46 AM 3 comments
Labels: entry 1
Thursday, May 28, 2009
May blessings of Allah be upon all of you!
Dear're you doin'? I hope all of you are in good health and faith! Your step mother is here again...with her favourite question - How many penguin readers have you read so far? He..he...I pray hard and hope that you take up this opportunity and challenge to read as many as you can. Try to be a proactive and committed student who is willing to do beyond what you are supposed to do. As I always mention in class, 'the sky is your limit'. Change your attitude & mentality. I know you can do it!!! Remember, the roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet..... Take care and be good! God bless.
Warm regards,
Pn. Halizah
Posted by ummi shitah at 8:27 PM 2 comments
Oral presentation day and last day with our lovely teacher
Assalamualaikum to all my friend and my lovely teacher,
How are things?
I know all of you has very tired today.
But I can't never forget about today...
What your opinion?
Do you same like me?
Thanks of God because we has finished the oral presentation.
What are you feeling when you tell your future plans?
you all nervous right?
It's just same like me..
I can't sleep because I very worried about my oral presentation.
But when I talked to my father about my oral.
He just smiled.
He said "Don't worried because you can do that, I know my children."
but I also very worried, I don't know why.
Maybe this is a felling when we speak in English to all the audience.
Thanks for our lovely teacher, because you give us support.
I'm very sad because this is a last day with our lovely teacher.
We learn about many things today.
Do you remember the layout of the zoo, character activity, and combining skills?
It's very funny right?
I think today we are very friendly because we do something work in the group.
Lastly, to my lovely teacher and Naza, I'm promise you about our picture today right?
You can get in the blog.
I believed that everybody miss our lovely teacher so much....
Thanks to all my friends and lovely teacher
See you again...
Posted by saidatul syuhada at 1:54 AM 8 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
are you ready for tomorrow???
assalamualaikum... a just want to ask you all about preparation for tomorrow... how do you feel? are you nervous? i thinks some of we feel a nervous when we stand up in front of audiences, right? anybody have a tips for relaxing... and able to give the speech without look the footnote? (another tips except madam halizah tell us) anybody want to share if you have a funny presentation experience about yourself or your can share...huhuhu...
Posted by haj.najihah at 5:42 AM 2 comments
GOOD LUCK!!! entry 2
hello my dear friends, do you still remember me?
i'm nisa.we meet again, i want to wish good luck to all my the our best 4 presentation tomorrow.i believe we can do it succesfully.
Posted by khairun1107 at 3:29 AM 1 comments
my hobby (2)
Assalamualaikum.....'s it going????????
My name is a want to share all of you abaut my hobby
at the free time i think you all have a right at the free time i like reading books, cooking, chatt, and others....
I like reading magazine"mingguan wanita", novel, religion book and others
With reading i can increase my knowledge, release tension and othes
Ithink all of you must reading books to increase your knowledge
Thats all.....
Lets do it together
Posted by Huda at 3:07 AM 2 comments
memey.....( entry 2 )
Hi you want hear my story?..
I would like to tell you about memey...can you guess who's memey?
She is so cute..i like her very much because she is very nice to me...i always miss her when she not besides me.if you want to know we are so close like a together, sleep together, and everything always together. that's why i love her very much....
Do you want to meet her? i believe that after you all met her, you will happy interested with her..what i like about her is she's also very nice to other person..every evening, my neighbour come to my house to meet and plays with her until sometimes they are make me a little bit of jealous.
Her favourite foods are fried noodles n durian just like me..I'm very happy and hope i can live with her for a long time. Thanks my lovely cat.....but not Norman's memey.(",)That's all for today.
Posted by ayu2307 at 2:00 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
about me! entry 1
hello my frendz...
how do u do?
what r u doing now? do u know me? i'm norhidayu salam, juz call me ayu... i'm from terengganu, "state of keropok lekor"'do u know about keropok lekor?...
i'm studying at faculty of islamic studies, major course arabic and islamic history.i was born 23th July 1986, i have 5 siblings.
i like to eat tom hobby is cooking.
nice to meet you all my friends, c u later,,
Posted by ayu2307 at 4:37 PM 5 comments
SWEET MEMORY... entry 1
hello to all my friends,
i'm Khairunnisa ahmad nordin, juz call me nisa'.but don't forget my twin,khairulnisa amri... (,")
i'm studying at Faculty of Islamic studies in course arabic and islamic history.
i'm very happy because i have many friends from different faculties after we meet at foundation class (set 7). i hope our friendship 4ever..,
i'm from terengganu,do u want to visit terengganu?let's go my friends....we can visit many interesting places.
do you know "masjid kristal"? ...if my friends never go, you're lost something speacial in our, let's go...(",).
i luv u all...i hope i can meet many kind friends again like u all....
nice to meet's wonderful friendship in my life.thank you to all my friends being a part of my life,u'r always make me happy..
oh,i'm forget,i have a sweet madam,she always angry with me because i'm so lazy,maybe i'm the laziest between her students.he2. 4 my cute madam, thanks a lots because always give me sumthing which i'll can't forget 4 my heart,i will use 4 my life,..who she is,when she smile, angry or sad, she is the sweet teacher.he2.thanks once again.
c u later my dear friends...take care,study smart..
Posted by khairun1107 at 3:10 PM 1 comments
Posted by insyiz insyirah at 10:07 AM 1 comments
Hai!!!! How do you do... I believe that all people have their own best friend in their life.... Me too... My best friend is Amiratun Zakiah bt Zolkiffly... I'm very close with her... She has good charactheristic like kind, humble, talkactive and honest.. I like to be friend with her... We always share our opinion together... If I have any problem, I will share my problem with her and solve it together.... I'm happy with her and I hope that we will success in our life....(",)
Posted by Anonymous at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Hello!!!! Hai Everyone....
My name is Hasniza bt Awang. Just call me Niza.. I come from Kota Bharu,Kelantan and I'm 24 years old. I have a big family.... I have nine siblings and I'm the fifth.... I have five sisters and four brothers... My father's name is Awang bin Mohamed @ Mamat.. He is farmer.. And my mother's name is Nik Som bt Ismail... She is housewife..... Before this, I studies at Sek. Men. Ugama (Arab) Ma'ahad Muhammadi Perempuan, Kota Bharu.... After I taking for STPM examination.. I worked as are teacher at the kindergarten nearest my house.... Now, I studying at the Faculty of Islamic Studies and I am majoring Al-Quran and As-Sunnah...
Posted by Anonymous at 5:32 AM 1 comments
pAriS vAn jAva
pAriS vAn jAvA...
what it is?
it is another name for Bandung, Indonesia
have u been to bandung?
it's the forth largest city in Indonesia
there has many interesting places and have a beautiful scenery...
i've been there for 4 days..
i joined the visit to Bandung that organized by KUFAH club...
we went to Islam Religious university of Sunan Gunung JAti...and have a conference and discussion with their students...they are very talk-active and very fast in giving opinions...
Besides that, we went to strawberry farm and feel the cool weather. i drank a marvellous of strawberry juice and ate the fresh strawberry...(yummy..)
we also went to crater of Tangkuban Perahu Mountain..
at Tangkuban Perahu Mount, we can hike and ride to the edge of the crater to view the hot water springs upclose. this is a popular tourist attraction.
it was a very wonderful view of the active crater that i've seen...Subhanallah..
there have a lot of experience...but i'll continue it later...
i'm off...
Posted by fatin nabilah at 3:33 AM 2 comments
I'M 22 YEARS OLD......
Posted by afizah at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
introduction (entry 1)
Hello everybody…
It’s about myself…
10 January 1987 is a good day for Faridah and her husband.
They have a new member in their family.
They are very happy because they have a daughter.
They are going to call her FAZIDATHUL AKMA.
But, they like to call her AJI…
They give her a lot of love and teach her about life…
Now, their daughter was 22 years old.
She is studying at
She want to be a good lawyer.
They are always pray for her daughter..
To my father n mother, I want to say “I love u so much”…
To all my friends, show your love to your parents everyday…
Posted by akma at 11:01 PM 1 comments
My Family (1)
assalamualaikum....... do you do?
I want introduce my family to all of you......
First i want introduce abaout name is norhuda.
You all can call me huda. I'm 23 years old.
I was born on 27/09/1986. I came from bachok kelantan.
I have a big family and very blissful.
I have nine siblings, six brothers and two sisters
and i'm the youngest sister in my family.
my fathers name is Omar Bin Said, age 68 years old.
My fathers job as a famer. He is a good father
My mothers names is Che Embung Binti Harun, age 66 years old.
She is housewife. she is a good mother and very understanding.
All my sibling are already married accept me.
My parents have 30 grandchildren and two grandchildren pass away.
Eldest grandchildren is a girls, age 27 years old and is already married
and have a one children.
I love my family verry much
That all about my family
Posted by Huda at 9:42 PM 2 comments
you are my friend through thick and thin,
when you reach for my hand you touch my heart,
you are the best friend that i can have.
you are there for me when i need you the most,
you cheer me up when i am down,
if i am about to cry u make me smile.
you are my best friend and i can not lie.
you listen to me and give me advice,
advice that comes straight from the bottom of precious heart,
you are my best friend in the whole wide world and i couldn't
ask God for a little bit more.
we are going to grow older, and things will change but our
frienship will forever still remain. I'll make new friends but
that won't change because you will always be my best friends.
i'd like to mean as much to you as you mean to me, I'd like
to be same help to you as you have been to me. I'd like to know
that as we grow old our lives will change but that our
Frienship will still remain
me and you will never be apart maybe in distance but never
in heart for our friendship is way to strong to let it go off
just like
all i can say that you are my best friend and i swear to God
that i don't want it to change. I may move to a different state that
does't mean that our frienship will end, because you will always be
my best friend. No ,matter life has destined for us i know that our
friendship will never die...
Thank you for u ....all my friend..
salam ukhuwah fillah...
Posted by siti zubaidah at 10:26 AM 1 comments
Let's think together..
hye's it going?
i believe all of you know this word..that's right? how all of you face it? maybe we can share together..(*-*) go to beach? cinema? sleep? anything you do, DON'T KILL YOURSELF(^-^)
my suggest are :
# help your friends ( small deeds neverlook )
# call your family ( make you happy )
# surfing internet ( give information )
# read a comic ( have a fun )
# look at the sky or view ( feel calm )
# smile ( don't smile alone, people can think you're crazy )
~ how about you? hope some of you publish your comment..hihi(",)v~
see you next publish post..:)
Posted by salwa at 10:24 AM 3 comments
About me
Assalamualaikum and hello everybody...
How do you do?How do you do... Lets me introduce myself.. My name is Najehah binti Hj Kamarudin.. All of you can call me najehah@jehah.. but don't call me 'adik' (my family call me)hehe.. I come from Machang, Kelantan (kelate) Darul Naim.. I'm 21 years old.. I'm a student at Department Theology and Philisophy, Faculty of Islamic Studies.. I'm only one in my family. I have no brothers and sisters.. but my mother and my father become my best friends of me and I share all my problems with them.. I love my family very much.. I hope all my friends can give me support in my studies and I hope all of us can be a successful in our life!! Insyaallah...
Ukhuwwah fillah and bittaufiq wannajah.....
Posted by najehah at 8:56 AM 3 comments
On my own, but mostly the savannah,Where the tumbleweeds fade away and die,Before the glassy sun burns a summer of crystals,The glistering waters of the high seasOf which was so far a place as of where vultures roam.I looked around but you weren't anywhere...You used to say that you would never die,But I took the wrong meaning into my heart.Now the sea is wild with despair,Deep blue like a prairie of flowers blue,Where all children of God rest in eternal peace.I saw you at the end,You and I, brother and sister of nature,Brother and sister of heaven and earth,Your usually calm and heavenly eyes full of tears,Bitterly falling one after one into a river,Then the river of life turned red in blood.My eyes watched in horror.Slowly and deadly your heart became poisoned,You disappeared without saying good-bye,Not a word came out of your mouth.You became like desolation in its grave.When once the skies were a realm of starsAnd the sun shone brightly in summer skies,You were there to share the calmness;But now I stand here in midst of the tall grassAnd only the savannah remains.
Posted by najehah at 8:43 AM 3 comments
Madam.. I like very much to learn English.. especially with Madam Haliza.. She is very nice and sweet lecturer.. I hope I get excellent result in my exam Foundation English.. Thank you so much Madam...
Posted by najehah at 8:31 AM 4 comments
Posted by hafizatul arini at 5:33 AM 7 comments
Assalamualaikum and hello everybody.
How are things?
This is about my Self depend Society picture..
This picture take when I finished the demo in Dectar
Can you see me in this picture?
My picture is the red belt .
If you want to know,
I involve the Silat Gayong Society since I Diploma in year one untill in year three.
And I continue my society in Degree.
My first belt is black colour, and after I pass in exam I get the white belt,
After that I continue and I get the green belt.
When I in year three in Selangor International Islamic University College,
I success in my exam and I get red belt..
But when I in National University of Malaysia,
I want to involve the examination, for get higher belt red
but my teacher said...
"You must to wait your friend because you have the higher belt.
I want you all to get the same belt."
I very sad and I cry because I hope I can do examination like my friend.
but not for me in the time.
Before this I learn about many level to get higher red belt.
I have pay the examination money very early but my teacher tell me one day before examination.
I give up... and I can't believed my society since from that incident....
I have many sacrificed to my society but he do like this to me...
Its ok.. I hope all the incident can make me very strong in my life....
That's all my story
See you again...
Posted by saidatul syuhada at 3:01 AM 4 comments
Labels: entry 4
Project Conferencing (Essay: My Future Plan)
My lovely students,
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Kindly come to Bilik Perbincangan, Centre for General Studies (Pusat Pengajian Umum) tomorrow (Tuesday 28/5/09)at the time slot that is convenient to you to collect your first draft of “My Future Plan” essay from me. As your oral presentation is already scheduled to be carried out this Thursday, I personally feel that you need to have your essay back latest by tomorrow so that you can make a better preparation for it. I managed to speak to some of you earlier and thus I’ve slotted in the time for them. If it doesn’t fit your time, kindly give your response as soon as possible, ok.
This is my tentative schedule:
1) 10.00 – 10.30 am: Ummi, ________, _________, ___________ and ___________.
2) 10.30 – 11.00 am: _________, _________, _________, ________ and _________.
3) 11.00 – 11.30 am: Fatin, Najehah, Salwa, Hazniza and Hafizatul Arini.
4) 11.30 – 12.00 noon: Suhaila, Mohaiza, Shahirah, Khairul Nisa and ____________.
5) 12.00 – 12.30 pm: _________, __________, _________, _________and _______.
6) 12.30 – 1.00 pm: _________, _________, __________, _______ and _________.
Please bring along your first draft and the edited version of “My family and I” for the conferencing.
Thank you and see you all!
Pn. Halizah
Posted by ummi shitah at 2:54 AM 5 comments
hi suhaila...can i continue your poem..please..??? ;-)...i want to try create a poem..
and for salwa...i hope you can check my poem ok...i'm a new poetess...and you are a good Poetess...hihihi
my friends...
we are always together in everything thing,
day and night,
but soon we will all,
be going out separate ways,
college,careers and anything,
we choose,
we will always together,
no matter what we do,
strong,weak,fat,thin,short,tall,near or far..
the important thing to me...we are best friend forever and ever.. :-)
~...MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU ALL....~..happy nice day!!..
Posted by ejah04 at 2:36 AM 3 comments
Labels: entry 3
Welcome to our set 7 class blog!
Dear my beloved students,
Feel free to write on anything that you wish with all your classmates. You may want to share your own poems, lyrics, pictures and etc. Remember each entry and comment must be original (written by yourself!) in at least 50 words. Happy blogging!
Pn. Halizah Omar
Posted by ummi shitah at 1:55 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friend forever
A friend is someone we turn to
When our spirits need a lift,
A friend is someone we treasure
For our friendship is a gift,
A friend is someone who fills our lives
With Beauty, Joy, and Grace
And makes the world we live in
A Better and Happier Place.
Posted by saidatul syuhada at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: entry 3
Exercise...??! ;-) (Entry 2)
Exercise for everybody..especially those sleepy/drowse or depressed people. Please do this simple exercise below..! :-) "Good Luck Trying..!!!" I hope you all my friends.. happy always..! ;-)
Posted by asma at 6:44 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
i LooK i See...

Do yOu kNoW wHo'S cAt sTeVen???
OwH...hE's gOt hIs nEw nAmE aS yUsUf IsLaM....
hE haS eMbRacEd IsLaM iN 1977
i wOuLd LiKe tO shArE wItH aLL oF yOu mY FavOriTe sOnG bY yUSuF IsLaM..
i LooK I LooK I looK I sEE
i sEe a wOrlD oF bEaUtY
i tOucH i ToucH i TouCh i fEEL
i Feel a wOrLd aRoUnD sO rEaL
aNd eVerYtHiNg I dO
I dEdiCaTe tO yOu
cOz yOu mAdE mE
i'M fOr yOu
I LiStEn LisTeN LisTeN I hEaR
I hEaR tHe wOrDs oF GoD sO cLeAr
i rEaD i rEaD i rEad I kNoW
iT's heLps mY kNoWLeDge gRoW
aNd eVeRyThinG wE dO
wE dEDiCaTe tO yOu
cOz yOu mAdE uS
wE aRe fOr yOu
i LiStEn LisTeN ListEn i hEar
He sEnt tHe PropHet tO sHow uS tHe wAy
He mAde rELigiOn pErFecT tHaT dAy
pLeAsE bE uPoN Him
uPoN HiM wE pRaY
Sala tu Ala Wassalamu 'Alay
i sLeEp i sLeEp i sLeep I dReAm
i dReAm I'm iN gArDeN gReeN
i wIsH i wIsH i wIsh i pRaY
i pRaY tO bE hEaR eVerYdAy
aNd eVeRyThiNg I dO
i dEdiCatTe tO yOu
cOz MadE mE
i'M for yOu
i wOrK i wOrK i wOrk I sTrIvE
tO mAke sOmEtHiNg oF mY LiFe
i sEeK i sEeK i sEeK i fiNd
i fiNd anOther hiLL tO cLimB
aNd eVeRyThInG wE dO
wE dEdICaTe tO yOu
cOz yOu mAde uS
wE r fOr You
i LooK i LooK i Look I sEE
He sEnt tHe PropHet tO sHow uS tHe wAy
He mAde rELigiOn pErFecT tHaT dAy
pLeAsE bE uPoN Him
uPoN HiM wE pRaY
Sala tu Ala Wassalamu 'Alay...
i hope that all of you enjoy the song and think about the lyrics...
haVe a nIcE day...
Posted by fatin nabilah at 11:38 PM 5 comments
About Myself..
Posted by insyiz insyirah at 11:24 PM 5 comments
Posted by rodie at 11:23 PM 4 comments
A gOOD Friends..
I don't know why god blessed me,
with such good friends as you..
When my pain gets me down,
and I just don't know what to do..
I just think of you and it helps me through,
something you said or even just a look you gave..
Just gives me the hope to want to live,
you share your smiles your laughter and even your heart..
That is why it is so very hard to part,
but even though were not together all the time,
You're always in my heart and forever on my mind...
Posted by insyiz insyirah at 10:20 PM 6 comments
Posted by ummi shitah at 5:59 AM 6 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
We meet and desperate,
I still remember forever,
Our relationship..
Without all of you,
I don’t know to face my life,
I cannot sacrifice my life alone..
When I sad,
You make me happy,
When I happy,
We laugh together,
So sweet that’s time..
Thanks for everything,
May Allah blessing all of you,
Always and forever…
For all my friends, especially to :
Posted by salwa at 6:52 PM 9 comments all my colleagues...
what a wonderful days......
I'm Fatin Nabilah bt Mohd Tahir....
I'm from Banting, selangor....
Do you know where's Banting??
If do you don't know you may access the Google Earth to the location of Banting...
Do you know what is intresting place in Banting?'s situated in Banting...
It's just 20 minutes from my house..
If you are intrested going there, you can get me to guide you there...
Banting is also famous with it's "tempe", "pecal" and also "nasi ambang"...
Opss....i'm not Javanese....actually..I'm from Kuala Lumpur...
As you know, Kuala Lumpur is the hustle and bustle of a city and that's why my family moved to Banting..
I like to take photo of scenery artistically. That's why I always bring a long my camera whenever I go to an intresting place...
ok guys...that's all from me...
catch U later...
and bye for now....
Posted by fatin nabilah at 6:26 AM 10 comments
Labels: MORIB...
How to Manage Time and Set Priorities
Key PointGood time management means defining priorities and scheduling activities.
What Are the 3 Rules for Effective Time Management?
- Don't create impossible situations.
- Define priorities.
- Avoid distractions and lack of focus.
Don't get trapped into doing too much. Don't try to work full time and take a full load. Don't take too many lab classes. Use time to create success, not failure. Be realistic about school. For most classes, plan to study 2 hours for every 1 hour of class.
Identify your first priority classes and do whatever it takes to succeed. Drop second priority classes or reduce work hours if necessary.
Define Your Priorities Using the 3-List Method.
Plan your work, then work your plan |
List #1 - The weekly calendar.
Create a weekly calendar. Make it your basic time budgeting guide. List your courses, work, study time, recreation, meals, TV, relaxation, etc.
Plan to study first priority classes when you work best. Be flexible, adapt your schedule to changing needs. Keep your schedule handy and refer to it often. If it doesn't work, change it.
List #2 - The daily "Things to Do".
Write down all the things that you want to do today. Note homework due or tests or subjects you want to emphasize. Include shopping and personal calls, etc.
This list is a reminder. Use it to set daily priorities and to reduce decision-making and worry. If time is tight, move items to your long-term list.
Rewrite this list each morning. Use visualization to help you focus on what to do. This list is also a measure of your day-to-day success. Check off items as you finish them and praise yourself for each accomplishment.
List #3 - Goals and other things.
This can be one or two lists, a monthly list and or a long-term list. Put down your goals and things you have to do. What do you want to accomplish over the next month or year? What do you need to buy?
Use this list to keep track of all your commitments. If you're worried about something, put it on this list. The purpose of this list is to develop long-term goals and to free your mind to concentrate on today.
Avoid Distractions and Lack of Focus.
Time is precious. Yet many people waste time by getting stuck in one or more of the following habits.
Procrastination - putting off important jobs.
Crises management - being overwhelmed by the current crisis. No time for routine matters.
Switching and floundering - lack of concentration and focus on one job.
Television, telephones and friends - these are all ways of avoiding work.
Emotional blocks - boredom, daydreaming, stress, guilt, anger and frustration reduce concentration.
Sickness - getting sick and blowing your schedule.
In all of these cases, the first step is to recognize the problem and resolve to improve. Use priority lists to focus attention. Try positive self-talk. To avoid distractions, find a quiet place to study, the library or a study hall. Get an answering machine.
Posted by saidatul syuhada at 6:02 AM 2 comments
Labels: entry 2