Saturday, May 23, 2009

i LooK i See...

let's sing the song.....

Do yOu kNoW wHo'S cAt sTeVen???
OwH...hE's gOt hIs nEw nAmE aS yUsUf IsLaM....
hE haS eMbRacEd IsLaM iN 1977
i wOuLd LiKe tO shArE wItH aLL oF yOu mY FavOriTe sOnG bY yUSuF IsLaM..

i LooK I LooK I looK I sEE
i sEe a wOrlD oF bEaUtY
i tOucH i ToucH i TouCh i fEEL
i Feel a wOrLd aRoUnD sO rEaL
aNd eVerYtHiNg I dO
I dEdiCaTe tO yOu
cOz yOu mAdE mE
i'M fOr yOu

I LiStEn LisTeN LisTeN I hEaR
I hEaR tHe wOrDs oF GoD sO cLeAr
i rEaD i rEaD i rEad I kNoW
iT's heLps mY kNoWLeDge gRoW
aNd eVeRyThinG wE dO
wE dEDiCaTe tO yOu
cOz yOu mAdE uS
wE aRe fOr yOu
i LiStEn LisTeN ListEn i hEar

He sEnt tHe PropHet tO sHow uS tHe wAy
He mAde rELigiOn pErFecT tHaT dAy
pLeAsE bE uPoN Him
uPoN HiM wE pRaY
Sala tu Ala Wassalamu 'Alay
i sLeEp i sLeEp i sLeep I dReAm
i dReAm I'm iN gArDeN gReeN
i wIsH i wIsH i wIsh i pRaY
i pRaY tO bE hEaR eVerYdAy

aNd eVeRyThiNg I dO
i dEdiCatTe tO yOu
cOz MadE mE
i'M for yOu

i wOrK i wOrK i wOrk I sTrIvE
tO mAke sOmEtHiNg oF mY LiFe
i sEeK i sEeK i sEeK i fiNd
i fiNd anOther hiLL tO cLimB

aNd eVeRyThInG wE dO
wE dEdICaTe tO yOu
cOz yOu mAde uS
wE r fOr You
i LooK i LooK i Look I sEE

He sEnt tHe PropHet tO sHow uS tHe wAy
He mAde rELigiOn pErFecT tHaT dAy
pLeAsE bE uPoN Him
uPoN HiM wE pRaY
Sala tu Ala Wassalamu 'Alay...

i hope that all of you enjoy the song and think about the lyrics...
haVe a nIcE day...


salwa said...

let's sing together..(*-*)hehe..

saidatul syuhada said...

So long your song but I like it. Thank you Fatin.

nisa said...

so interisting and nice song.
thanks ya...(n_n)

ejah04 said...

wah!! it's nice song..can you teach me my dear fatin..???hihihi..i and you can sing it together..hihi

hafizatul arini said...

i like this song but so difficult to understand this meaning......