Monday, May 25, 2009

hi suhaila...can i continue your poem..please..??? ;-)...i want to try create a poem..
and for salwa...i hope you can check my poem ok...i'm a new poetess...and you are a good Poetess...hihihi

my friends...

we are always together in everything thing,
day and night,
but soon we will all,
be going out separate ways,
college,careers and anything,
we choose,
we will always together,
no matter what we do,
strong,weak,fat,thin,short,tall,near or far..

the important thing to me...we are best friend forever and ever.. :-)

~...MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU ALL....~..happy nice day!!..


saidatul syuhada said...

Hi my dear sis Ejah,
Very nice about your poem,
I hope we can be friendship like your poem..
we will always together.....
May Allah bless you sis Ejah..

salwa said...

salam kak ejah..
actually,i'm not good to create poem..(*-*)
i hope we can be friend forever..

rodie said...

salam kak ejah...
you have the talent to create poem..
can you teach me ?... :)