Thursday, May 21, 2009

Attention please!!!!

Attention for all students' of foundation English set 7 class, we have a consultation day with our respective lecturer, Pn. Halizah Omar this coming Tuesday (26 May 2009). Pn. Halizah had said that we need to see her personally at her room at Centre of General Study (PPU). we need to manage it on Tuesday's morning. please give your cocperation. thank you...please spread this to others....


momoQue said...

sis ummi,
excuse me..
i want to ask
what the specific time madam want to see us for the consultation?
hope someone can inform me later about this because i'm not in ukm
i don't have internet at home
so text me later ok?
this my contact number

azizul said...

oooo ok...did madam have told time to meet her????????

saidatul syuhada said...

Sis Umi.
Can I know about the time?

ejah04 said...

salam'Alaik..hi my dear friend have you been? you know..i'm not in ukm but i'm at my home now in Terengganu,maybe...InsyaAllah...i'm came back in UKM in the afternoon 0n May 26...thank's for your information..see yaa

salwa said...

salam kak ummi..
may i know that's time?
thank u for your intormation..

ummi shitah said...

i dont know...the specific time to meet said that we can meet her on tuesday morning. she will spend her time for is compulsory because she wanna discuss with us about our second essay n also about our presentation....

asma said...

Salam ummi...
thanks for your information.
i want to ask u..
we must meet her personally at
her room??
or..that's mean..we all classmate?
thank ;-)