Thursday, June 4, 2009

hello my friends..
and madam halizah and madam roslina..
hope u all so good..
what are u doing now?
thinking about drama..
maybe ummi,fatin,najihah and naza have make a script drama now..
all the best to you..
you can do it the best script drama..
at this night,nothing i want to share with u..
i already thinking how to make the best drama..
actually,i didn't know about drama because this is first time to me..
but, i'm want to know more about drama..
and i also want to get experience to perform this drama..
to suhaila,dont worry ok.
i always with u..
i can help u to prepare a good prop and other..
not easy to prepare that, but i can try my best..
and ijah,akma,if u need to my help,u can tell me.
i will give my help and support to you..
and to our classmate..
i hope u all can give cooperation and more help about drama..
because of course u all want to success in drama, right?..
don't worry my friends..
we will success in drama with our help and support from u and two lovely madam..
i will pray to god so that our classmate can do it..
acha2 fighting my dear friends..
don't give up ok..
lastly, what is the important?...
the answer is ''your cooperation"...
ok,see u my friends..
i'm off..
don't forget to serius about drama..


saidatul syuhada said...
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saidatul syuhada said...

hello my dear,
do you miss me right?
Why you don't call me...
don't tell me you read penguin readers book..hehe
because I know what are you doing now..thank you because gave me support and advice..
I think fatin, naza, najihah, and sis ummi do the script drama now...
ok my dear,
catch you later..