Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Hello to all my friends..
I want to share with you all about 'Masjid Kampung Laut".
Do you know about masjid Kampung laut???
I think all of you don't know about this place,right?
Masjid Kampung Laut is famous mosque at Kelantan...
Masjid Kampung Laut is regarded as the oldest surviving mosque in Malaysia as well as one of the oldest in the Malay achipelago.
This mosque was originally constructed in Kampung Laut, Tumpat, on the banks of the Kelantan river.
When the big flood of 1967 caused part of the land on which it was standing to collapse into the river, Masjid Kampung Laut was moved to its present location in Nilam Puri.
That all for my second post...
I'm off..
Good Night!
hi sis wan.he2
i think i know this's very interesting and many histories about it.
i hope we can visit there again 4 our sweet memories..
catch u later.
take care
hi my dear...
I want to go to masjid kAMPUNG laut,
So nice...
Good bye my dear...
I want to ask you,
Where are you now?
I think you are not in your hostel right?
bye my dear..
smile always
salam kak nor..
how do you do?
how are things..
that's nice place..
are you agree?
i think of course because we are from Kelantan..hehe(*-*)
thank you for your information and promote about one of our country..
to kak su,
you must go there..hehe(^-^)
and kak nor can be guider..
because she know about that..
see you later..
hello my dear...
i have visited this place..and if i have a time i want to visit this place again.i like it's design and i think i want to design my dream's house like it wonderful idea?hehe
see you again..
Thanks for ur comments...
That place in front of API(Akademi Pengajian Islam)
Besides, it's design very amazing and wonderful because without nail.
Masjid Kampung Laut is still an active religious centre and the mosque caters to the community residing at Nilam Puri..
I think i can be a guider for suhaila...huhu
my cute sis...hehe
how about you???
long time no see...hehe
i remembered that kampung laut is my sweet memories because i met my best friend there.she student UM, just infront of 'masjid kampung laut'.in hope i have more chance to visit there...insyaAllah...
mybe with all my friend in foundation English...
okey...see ya
(entry 9)
hai wan
i know where this palace
but i never have go there
but i hope one day i can go there
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